The Forsyth Astronomical Society welcomes ALL folks with any level of interest, experienced or not. You DO NOT need to own a telescope to join our group. Our meetings and public observations are free and open to all. We encourage you to attend any of our events to help you decide if our group is what you’re looking for.
Our annual dues cycle is from May 1st of the current year to April 30th of the next and is prorated quarterly for mid-term enrollees.
FAS does take photos of members and their equipment for our website. If anyone wishes to have their photo removed from the website, please contact us.
FAS Mailing Address:
Forsyth Astronomical Society
PO Box 30128
Winston-Salem, NC 27130
AdDITIONAL benefits after the first year of membership:
- Access to club’s observatory that houses a permanently mounted telescope on a computer controlled German Equatorial mount, AFTER training and verification by the observatory director or qualified senior club officer.
- Access to the club’s stock of loaner equipment. This includes telescopes of various sizes, astronomy related accessories and cameras. All club loaner equipment is first come first serve and availability dependent.
Types of Memberships
The annual dues for a Basic membership are $35/year. We welcome any immediate family members to participate in club activities as a part of this membership.
Basic membership benefits
- A single vote in club related business.
- Access to the club’s private dark(er) observing site near Pilot Mountain.
- Access to the members only page of the club’s website.
Dual Vote
We offer families a dual vote membership for $40/year. This is for those want to have a second vote for an active immediate family member, such as spouse, partner or child. It has the same benefits as the basic level but allows for one additional vote in club related business.
In an effort to encourage more participation from the younger astronomers out there, we offer a heavily discounted Student rate of $5/year with the same benefits as the basic membership.
We offer lifetime memberships for $525 (15X the current base dues as per the club’s bylaws.)
Astronomical League
The Forsyth Astronomical Society is also a member society in the Astronomical League. AL membership is not required for club membership but is offered as an add-on for an additional $9.00/year to the regular yearly dues. More information on the Astronomical League can be found HERE, or see our club’s AL Correspondent at a meeting.
For additional information that has not been provided here, please send us a message via the Contact Us tab above.
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