Saturday’s forecast calls for rain ending midday with clouds persisting all afternoon. Our public eclipse observation at Kaleideum North is canceled.
The Sun will go away for a short time. Okay, not completely. An annular eclipse will cross the country on Saturday, October 14. Unfortunately, Winston-Salem will not be in the direct path. However, we will see around 50% as the Moon slowly moves in front of the Sun.
FAS will be out at Kaleideum North (400 West Hanes Mill Road) from 12 noon to 2:30 pm with various solar telescopes to give you a closer look. See below for more directions. We will setup in the Kaleideum environmental park, so standard Kaleideum admission rates will apply. As always with an astronomical observation, we need clear skies. Please check our website and Facebook page for weather updates.
Click on the buttons below for more information – particularly the one on eclipse safety, which includes information about eclipse glasses. DO NOT look at the Sun without proper solar glasses or filters!

After (or before) the event, to learn more about telescopes, astronomy, and observing the night sky, see our many astronomy resources, including information about purchasing a telescope at
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