FAS Monthly Meeting

  • February 2016 FAS Meeting

    If you have ever attended a planetarium show and wondered, “How does all that work?” Then this month’s meeting is for you. This month club member Justin Nichols will present part 2, History of Planetarium Projectors, of his 3 part series on planetarium projectors. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM but, as usual, there is…

  • January 2016 FAS Meeting

    The January Meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society is tonight Tuesday, January 26th at 7:30pm at SciWorks. The program will be about the archaeoastronomical alignments at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. All meetings are open to the public and all are welcome. An informal social gathering is typical from 7pm until the meeting begins. So come…

  • October 2015 FAS Meeting

    This months meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this evening at Sciworks at 7:30 PM. The presentation will be given by club member Sean Wood about the topic 3D printing, how to utilize it to enhance your astronomy hobby experience, along with info and tips on the process and including  a demonstration of…

  • August 2015 FAS Meeting

    The August meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society is this Tuesday, August 25th, at 7:30 pm at SciWorks. The program is Crepuscular Sights and will be presented by FAS VP Priscilla Ivester.

  • July 2015 FAS Meeting

    The July meeting of the FAS is this coming Tuesday, July 28th, at 7:30 at SciWorks.  The program will be presented by Christi Whitworththe Education Director of PARI,  the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute.  Here is a description: PARI Education Showcase PARI has a 15-year track record of educating and engaging people of all ages in astronomy and other…

  • May 2015 FAS Meeting

    The May meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society is this Tuesday Night,May 26th, at SciWorks at 7:30 pm. The program will be by Bruce Mellin and is about“The Picture That Blew My Mind HL-Tauri”.David MorganFAS President

  • April 2015 FAS Meeting 

    Don’t forget the FAS meeting tonight April 28, 7:30PM at SciWorks. 

  • March 2015 FAS Meeting

    The March meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Societyis this Tueday night, March 24th  at 7:30 at SciWorks.The program is a tour and discussion of Steve Esparsa’s observatory setup. David MorganFAS President

  • Feb 2015 FAS Meeting – cancelled

    Tonight’s meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society has been cancelled due to inclement weather. Temperatures will below or around freezing all day. Road conditions could be icy after sunset even though much of the snow on the roadways has melted. The programs will be rescheduled. See you next month… David Morgan FAS President