FAS Monthly Meeting
August 2023 Meeting – Wednesday August 9
Please join us for the August 9, 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. The meeting will be held at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. FAS member Bruce Darling will present a talk titled: The Moon As You’ve Never Seen It. He will touch on the physical properties of…
July 2023 Meeting – Wednesday July 12
Please join us for the July 12, 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. The meeting will be held at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. FAS member Sean Wood will tell us about astrophotography that can be done with only your smartphone.“Have you ever wanted to capture that beautiful…
June 2023 Meeting – Wednesday June 14
Please join us for the June 14, 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. The meeting will be held at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. The topic will be EXOPLANETS – those planets orbiting other stars. The program starts at 7:30 pm. The Society’s business meeting will take place…
May 2023 Meeting – Wednesday May 10
Please join us for the May 10, 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. The meeting will be held at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. FAS member Michael Wharton will present a summary of the 2023 TriStar Event and share some of the things he learned along with many…
April 2023 Meeting
FAS April 2023 Meeting Wednesday, April 12 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. (https://north.kaleideum.org/visit/directions/) Please join us for the April 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. In preparation for the North Carolina Statewide Star Party (April 21 & 22 this year), we will take a…
March 2023 Meeting
March 2023 FAS Meeting Wednesday, March 8 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. (https://north.kaleideum.org/visit/directions/) Please join us for the March 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. The talk this month, given by Thomas Hefner of the Greensboro Astronomy Club, will be about William Herschel and…
February 2023 Meeting
Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS) February 2023 Meeting Wednesday, February 8 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. (https://north.kaleideum.org/visit/directions/) Please join us for the February 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. This month, the speaker is Andrea Nichols, talking about “The Myths of Copernicus,” in honor…
January 2023 Meeting
Happy New Year Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS) January 2023 Meeting Wednesday, January 11 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. (https://north.kaleideum.org/visit/directions/) Welcome to the new year and the January 2023 FAS meeting! This month we’ll show several short TED videos on a variety of subjects. President Justin…
December 2022 Meeting
December Potluck Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS) December 2022 Meeting Wednesday, December 14 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. (https://north.kaleideum.org/visit/directions/) In December, FAS takes a break from traditional meeting programming and instead holds a potluck dinner. Choose your favorite dish, do some cooking, or grab…