FAS Monthly Meeting

  • October 2017 FAS Meeting

      On October 24th the FAS will have its next regularly scheduled meeting at 7:30 pm in our usual conference room at Kaleideum North, 400 Museum Dr Winston Salem, NC. We will be hosting a video presentation entitled “Return to the Moon”, an episode from the BBC series The Sky at Night. A follow up…

  • September 2017 FAS Meeting – Show and Tell of Solar Eclipse

    The next meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be at Kaleideum North on Tuesday September 26th at 7:30 pm. This month’s program will be a show and tell format for members to share their media and experiences from last month’s solar eclipse. This will include images from our local events as well as those…

  • August 2017 FAS Meeting

    I hope everyone had the opportunity to safely enjoy the eclipse. From early reports of our planned events and from those members that went on their own personal excursions, everyone had a wonderful event. Our September meeting will be dedicated to sharing our experiences and any media collected. Our next monthly meeting will be on…

  • July 2017 FAS Meeting

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host their next monthly meeting on July 25th at 7:30 PM at Kaleideum (formerly Sciworks) in Winston-Salem. The program for this month is titled: The Eclipse: Science, History and Spirituality The presentation, by Roy Dorone, the society’s vice-president and associate professor of History at Winston-Salem State University, looks at some…

  • June 2017 FAS Meeting

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host their next monthly meeting on June 27th at 7:30 PM at Kaleideum (formerly Sciworks) in Winston-Salem. The program this month will be a video presentation on the history of the telescope. Following the presentation portion, we will have a brief business meeting and as always, there will be an…

  • May 2017 FAS Meeting

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host their next monthly meeting on May 23rd at 7:30 PM at Kaleideum (formerly Sciworks) in Winston-Salem. The program this month will be by Joseph Holmes, a recent graduate of Guilford College, rising graduate student at Appalachian State University and long-time volunteer at GTCC’s Cline Observatory. Joseph will be speaking…

  • April 2017 FAS Meeting

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host their next monthly meeting on April 25th at 7:30 PM at Kaleideum (formerly Sciworks) in Winston-Salem. The presentation for this month will be “Chasing Pluto” and in-depth, behind-the -scenes look at the New Horizons mission. Following the presentation portion we will have a brief business meeting and as always…

  • March 2017 FAS Meeting

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host their next monthly meeting on March 28th at 7:30 PM at Kaleideum (formerly Sciworks) in Winston-Salem. The presentation for this month will be given by club VP Priscilla Ivester on obsolete constellations – “Constellations then and now”. Come join us for what surely will be an interesting topic. Following…

  • February 2017 FAS Meeting

    The next monthly meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be held on February 28th at 7:30 PM at Sciworks in Winston salem. The presentation for the evening will be a video review of a PBS special on the history and discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope – Invisible Universe Revealed. Following the presentation portion…