Stone Mountain State Park
CANCELED – Public observation at Stone Mountain on Saturday, September 23
Due to clouds and rain from the approaching coastal weather system, our public observation at Stone Mountain on September 23 is canceled. On Saturday, September 23, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public astronomy observation at Stone Mountain State Park. It should be dark enough to observe by 8:30 PM. The Moon and the planet…
CANCELED: Public observation at Stone Mountain on April 8
WEATHER UPDATE This event is canceled. The forecast calls for clouds and rain Saturday evening. ========== On Saturday, April 8, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public astronomy observation at Stone Mountain State Park. Sunset is at 7:51 PM and it should be dark enough to observe by 9:00 PM. The planet Mars and several…
Public observation at Stone Mountain on March 11
WEATHER UPDATE This event will take place. The forecast calls for intermittent clouds during the evening. ========== On Saturday, March 11, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public astronomy observation at Stone Mountain State Park. Sunset is at 6:27 PM and it should be dark enough to observe by 7:30 PM. This event is weather-dependent.…
Public observation at Stone Mountain on February 25
WEATHER UPDATE This event is canceled. The forecast calls for clouds and rain Saturday evening. ========== On Saturday, February 25, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public astronomy observation at Stone Mountain State Park. Sunset is at 6:15 PM and it should be dark enough to observe by 7:15 PM. The planets Mars and Jupiter…
Public observation at Stone Mountain on January 14
WEATHER UPDATE This event will take place as scheduled. The forecast calls for clear skies and temperatures falling through the 20s. Dress warmly and we will see you there! ========== On Saturday, January 14, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public astronomy observation at Stone Mountain State Park. Sunset is at 5:30 PM and it…
Stone Mountain Astronomy Observation on November 12
WEATHER UPDATE: This event is canceled. Clouds and rain are forecasted for Saturday afternoon and evening. ——————— On Saturday, November 12, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an astronomy observation for the campers at Stone Mountain State Park, and the public is welcome to attend. Sunset is at 5:20 PM and it should be dark enough…
Stone Mountain Astronomy Observation on October 22
WEATHER UPDATE: Conditions are favorable, with most forecasts indicating partial clouds and clearing after 9:00 PM. See you there! ———————- On Saturday, October 22, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an astronomy observation for the campers at Stone Mountain State Park, and the public is welcome to attend. Sunset is at 6:40 PM and it should…
Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 2/22
Update 2/21: We are a GO for tomorrow night’s observation event. The sky conditions look to be excellent albeit a little chilly. There is a small adjustment though. The Loop A camping area is closed to campers for the season but we will still be set up in our regular observation site. This change effects…
Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 1/18
Update 1/17: The public observation scheduled at Stone Mountain State Park for Saturday, January 18th, is cancelled. The weather forecast is cold, clouds, and rain. An unfortunate start to the year. Our next public observation event scheduled for February 1st at Kaleideum North. Our next Stone Mountain State Park event is on Saturday, February 22nd.…
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