Stone Mountain State Park

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 12/21

    Update 12/20:  The public observation scheduled for Saturday at Stone Mountain State Park is cancelled. Forecasts predict mostly cloudy skies around sunset, with clouds increasing to overcast over the course of the event (75%+ cloud coverage). Our next scheduled event at Stone Mountain State Park will be Saturday, January 18th. Let’s hope for a better…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 11/2

    UPDATE 11/1 : We are a GO!!!! The current weather forecast is calling for clear skies and temperatures in the upper 50’s at sunset, with light winds and temperatures falling to around 40 by the end of the event. It should also be noted that construction on Hwy 77 and recent traffic pattern changes in…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 10/5

    UPDATE 10/4:  The observation scheduled at Stone Mountain State Park has been CANCELED due to weather conditions. Some of our forecast models had the evening being partly cloudy, but now all models are calling for 100% cloud cover. Our next observation opportunity for this location is on November 2nd.    Saturday October 5th the Forsyth Astronomical Society…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 4/27

    Update 4/26: we are a GO for tomorrow night’s observation. The conditions won’t be optimal, but with it being the last observation for the spring/summer at this locale we can play peekaboo through some clouds if need be. Hope to see you there. Saturday April 27th the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 3/30

    Update 3/29: We are a GO for our observation at Stone Mountain Sate Park!!!!! The conditions won’t be optimal but, we should be able to show you some nice night sky wonders.     Saturday March 30th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at Stone Mountain State Park in the family camping area.…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 2/9

    Update 2/8: We are a GO for the Stone Mountain observation. The weather forecast is for clouds pretty much all day but to begin clearing at dusk and improve during the time frame of our observation. It’s going to be cold though. The temperature will be in the mid 40’s at dusk and in the…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 11/3

    Update 11/2: We are a GO for the observation. The forecast is calling for clear skies and mid 50’s falling to mid 40’s by the end of the observation. Dress warm and come on out and enjoy the night sky. Saturday November 3rd, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at Stone Mountain State…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 10/13

    Update October 13th: We are a Go for this evenings observation. Conditions aren’t perfect but they are the best we’ve had for an observation at this locale all year-long. Come on out and enjoy the night sky with us.   Saturday October 13th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at Stone Mountain State…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 9/1

    Update 8/31: As it stands we are a GO for tomorrow nights observation. The conditions aren’t ideal. We’ll definitely be playing peek a boo between clouds. The coordinator is going to revisit the forecast tomorrow at around 1 pm and has reserved the option to cancel last-minute. You’ll want to double-check this post or our…