Stone Mountain State Park

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 8/18

    Update 8/18: We are rescinding our previous cancellation!!!! The observation is back on. It looks like we’re going to have a break in the weather between 8 and 11 that will be clear enough to catch the planets and the Moon. Given we have had to cancel every observation at this site for this year thus far.…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 6/2

    As much as we hate to we are going to make a cancellation call on this event. The weather pattern that was showing clearing at dusk and further clearing as the night progressed has changed and it’s not supposed to clear off significantly until after midnight. Our next observation opportunity will be June 16th at…

  • FAS Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 5/5 CANCELLED

      Sorry for the late post on this event folks,but we have cancelled the camper observation event for tomorrow evening, May 5th , at Stone Mountain.  After a gorgeous full moon weekend last weekend and nice weather this past week, the weather just isn’t cooperating at all with our observation plans. Our next scheduled public…

  • FAS Stone Mountain Observation for Saturday April 14th: Cancelled

      Sorry for the late post on this event folks but we have cancelled the event for tomorrow evening, April 14th, at Stone Mountain. The April weather just isn’t cooperating at all with our plans. We STILL have two more events planned next weekend hopefully at least one of those will pan out. Details concerning…

  • Last Observation at Stone Mountain State Park for this Season 10/14

    Update 10/14: The weather prediction for this evening has changed dramatically over the last 12 hours or so and we have rescinded our cancellation for this evenings event, especially with it being our last event at this venue for the year. We are a GO folks!!! Come out and enjoy some dark sky wonders. Update…

  • Stone Mountain State Park Observation 9/16 Cancelled

      The observation at Stone Mountain State Park for this evening has been canceled due to adverse weather conditions. Our next observation opportunity will be next weekend at Kaleideum North on Saturday September 23rd. There will be a more detailed posting on that event early next week. The next observation at Stone Mountain State Park…

  • Observation at Stone Mountain State Park for Campers Saturday August 26: CANCELED

    This event has been canceled due to adverse weather.  This Saturday August 26th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation in the family camping area of Stone Mountain State Park. This is primarily an event for the campers of the park but the public is welcome to attend. This event used to be a…

  • Observation at Stone Mountain State Park for Campers Saturday July 29

    This Saturday July 29th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation in the family camping area of Stone Mountain State Park. This is primarily an event for the campers of the park but the public is welcome to attend. This event used to be a lock in style event but recent park regulations allow…

  • Stone Mountain Observation 7/1 Cancelled

    The scheduled observation at Stone Mountain State Park for this Saturday July 1st has been cancelled due to weather conditions.  Our next scheduled public observation event is Saturday July 29th at Stone Mountain State park as well. A final weather call will be made the Friday before. Hopefully we will have better conditions then.  …