FAS Public Observations and Outreach

  • FAS Pilot Mountain Public Observation Saturday November 10th

    Update 11/9: We are a GO for the Pilot Mountain observation. The weather is forecast to be some of the clearest skies we have had for the observation in a couple of years now BUT the same front that is bringing those clear skies is also bringing MUCH cooler weather. The temperature for the surrounding…

  • FAS Annual Telescope Workshop Saturday November 10th

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host our annual Telescope Workshop at Kaleideum North in Winston-Salem on Saturday November 10th from 1 pm-4 pm. If you’ve been thinking of getting gear to get started in astronomy or you have gear but need experienced advice on how to better operate it, or are looking to upgrade, we have you covered. Come join…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 11/3

    Update 11/2: We are a GO for the observation. The forecast is calling for clear skies and mid 50’s falling to mid 40’s by the end of the observation. Dress warm and come on out and enjoy the night sky. Saturday November 3rd, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at Stone Mountain State…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 10/13

    Update October 13th: We are a Go for this evenings observation. Conditions aren’t perfect but they are the best we’ve had for an observation at this locale all year-long. Come on out and enjoy the night sky with us.   Saturday October 13th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at Stone Mountain State…

  • FAS Observation at Kaleideum North Saturday 9/15

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society has an observation event scheduled for this Saturday September 15th. With the upcoming torrential downpour expected we are not hopeful for this to proceed. We will still have a final weather call posted after 5 pm on Fri the 14th. With the doubtful outcome of this event happening our next public…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 9/1

    Update 8/31: As it stands we are a GO for tomorrow nights observation. The conditions aren’t ideal. We’ll definitely be playing peek a boo between clouds. The coordinator is going to revisit the forecast tomorrow at around 1 pm and has reserved the option to cancel last-minute. You’ll want to double-check this post or our…

  • Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 8/18

    Update 8/18: We are rescinding our previous cancellation!!!! The observation is back on. It looks like we’re going to have a break in the weather between 8 and 11 that will be clear enough to catch the planets and the Moon. Given we have had to cancel every observation at this site for this year thus far.…

  • Public Observation at Kaleideum North 7/21

      Update 7/20: The observation at Kaleideum North for Saturday July 21st has been canceled. We were hoping the weather would break to being just intermittently cloudy but all the sources we use have consistent thunderstorms for the evening. The next public events on our calendar will be our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on August…

  • FAS Public Observation at Kaleideum North 6/16

    If you have been following our club calendar this Saturday, June 16th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public observation at Kaleideum North in the front parking area starting at sunset, around 8:40 pm. The forecast is for moderate conditions mild temps and a few lite clouds. Jupiter, the thin crescent moon and Venus…