
  • Public Observation This Saturday September 19 at Sciworks.

    ***Final weather call for tomorrow night’s observation. We are a go.  Conditions look great. Hope to see you there. ***   The Forsyth Astronomical Society will be holding a public observation in the main parking area of Sciworks in Winston-Salem this coming Saturday, September 19. Currently the forecast is quite favorable but a final weather…

  • Public observation events update

    *The observation at Stone Mountain State park for tomorrow evening, September 5th has been cancelled due to inclement weather.* Our line up for observations in the near future are as follows. We will be at Sciworks the evening of September 19, which also happens to be international observe the moon night, to share the night…

  • Astronomical education opportunity

    Club member Bob Patsiga in association with Forsyth Tech will be offering an evening non-credit course on astronomy to be held in the Sciworks planetarium starting Sept 10. Course description and details: The course will broadly cover the history of astronomy, descriptions of the various types of telescopes, the constellations, the solar system, and objects…

  • Book opportunity from a past club speaker

    A wonderful speaker and subject knowledgeable author Jonathan Ward, who has spoken to us about the Apollo program at Kennedy Space Center, has published two books recounting NASA history. He has offered to provide signed copies of “Rocket Ranch” and “Countdown to a Moon Launch” for $75 for the two books together, delivered to our next meeting. If…

  • Take 2 …. 2 for 1 observations on Saturday July 25th.

      Weather permitting the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be hosting 2 separate observation opportunities for the public to enjoy this Saturday, July 25. Stay tuned here and/or to our Facebook page for a final weather call later in the week. One event will be held in the main parking area of the SciWorks complex in…

  • 2 for 1 camping observations this Saturday, June 20th

      UPDATE 6/20: The telescope outreach at Tanglewood Park for this evening has been canceled due to impending possible lightening storms.    UPDATE 6/19: The scheduled observation for Stone mountain has been canceled due to weather conditions. The next one scheduled is for July 25th. Hope to see you then.   This Saturday, June 20th, the Forsyth Astronomical…

  • Update for the Stone Mountain State Park observation this evening

    Sorry for the late hour update folks, but YES the observation for Stone Mountain State Park this evening is a GO. A reminder though, this IS a LOCK-IN EVENT. If you attend as a non park camper you will be required to stay the full extent of the observation and leave at the same time as the…

  • Stone Mt State Park Outreach- 2015

    These are the dates for 2015 May 9th June 20th July 25th August 22nd September 5th October 3rd Remember this is a lock in for the campers, FAS members will leave at the same time after the Observation!

  • Update for the events this weekend from your club president.

    The Yadkin County Star Party scheduled for tonight is an unqualified GO! The weather looks great for the evening, a bit cool, perhaps, but clear. The clouds should hold off until later. A map is attached. 421 west to the Unifi exit. We will be in the last baseball field (the access road at the…