FAS Post-Event Wrap-Ups

  • Flash seen at Bullington

    Hey All Dave Morgan and I were at Bullington last night when I noticed the sky light up at 11:30 pm. Dave did not see it he was working on the mount, but I said did you see that flash? Today Dave sent me this link http://www.amsmeteors.org/2013/09/new-fireball-spotted-in-midwest/ I will be posting my observation there. Steven…

  • The door at Bullington observatory

    Very good news, Thank You David!!

  • Stone Mountain Update

    Many thanks to the FAS members that enjoyed a cool evening at Stone Mountain on Saturday night! Dave M., Sean W. , Ken L. and event hosts Chip and Viv  had 50 – 75 campers eager to look at the night sky through their telescopes! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and equipment with others!…

  • Update on First Annual Statewide Star Party

    Thank you all for supporting the first NC Statewide Star Party! This event had tremendous support from FAS members! The sky was a perfectly clear cloudless night (though transparency was not perfect given the precipitation the previous day). Perhaps the Science Festival did not realize the date they chose was the end of Spring Break…

  • Report from Pilot Mountain Observation

    Stargazers who made it up to the top of Pilot Mountain this Saturday had a delightful evening, with warmer than usual temperatures, no wind, and clear skies. There were at least a dozen telescopes belonging to members of both FAS and the Greensboro astronomy club; the latter made the trip to catch a glimpse of…

  • Post-event photos from SciWorks

  • Report from the observing field