FAS Pilot Mountain Public Observation Saturday April 7th


Update 4/6: This Pilot Mountain Observation is


It’s hard to believe that we haven’t gotten a single observation at Pilot Mountain this membership year, but that appears to be the reality.  Tomorrow night’s forecast looks awful, with clouds, rain, and perhaps even some snow flurries up on the mountain.  So, we’re cancelled again, and unfortunately for this event, there is no rain date. Let’s hope for better luck for our other public observations on April 20-21 in Yadkinville and Kaleideum North. Details for these events will be posted as the dates near.

Original post:

To help celebrate the month-long NC Science Festival the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be hosting its first of four public observations this month on Saturday April 7th.This observation will be held in the upper knob overlook parking area of Pilot Mountain State Park. This is one of our premier public observation sites due to its darker skies, in comparison to our typical urban sites. We will be able to show you more dark sky objects at this location than any public event site we use. Sunset is at 7:48 pm. As dusk falls Venus will be low on the horizon and easily visible. As darkness ebbs a plethora of star clusters, nebulae and even galaxies will be available for viewing, if sky conditions allow. The observation continue until 10 pm.

Forecasts for the 7th, as of this post, aren’t looking well. The temperature are forecast in the low 30’s and rain but we’re hoping for a break. IF the event happens and with us being atop the mountain the temps can be as much as 10 degrees cooler, more if there is wind. Please dress appropriately, especially the little ones.

This event is a weather dependent event.

Stay tuned to this post or the club’s Facebook page for a final weather call Friday the 6th. You can also call Kaleideum North after 5 pm on Friday for the weather call via their automated voice message system. There is no rain date for this event but we do have 3 other observation opportunities scheduled this month. Details concerning each will be posted as the dates near. We hope to see you there.

Pilot Panna