FAS Pilot Mountain Public Observation Saturday November 10th

Update 11/9: We are a GO for the Pilot Mountain observation. The weather is forecast to be some of the clearest skies we have had for the observation in a couple of years now BUT the same front that is bringing those clear skies is also bringing MUCH cooler weather. The temperature for the surrounding area is forecast for the the lower 30’s. Atop the mountain it will be even colder. Dress warmly and in layers ESPECIALLY the younger kids. Hope to see you all there. 


The Forsyth Astronomical Society will be hosting a public observation on Saturday November 10th in the upper knob overlook parking area of Pilot Mountain State Park. This is one our premier public observation sites due to its darker skies. We will be able to show you more dark sky objects at this location than any public event site we use. Sunset is at 5:12 pm. Shortly after sunset, low on the horizon, Saturn and a fine sliver of a crescent moon will kick off the evening. As darkness ebbs on and the moon sets at around 7:44 PM, there will be a host of star clusters, nebulae and even galaxies will be available to enjoy, if the sky conditions allow. New objects will be rising as the night progresses. If you’ve made your rounds and have seen “all there is to see”. Go around again, there will be new targets to enjoy. We will continue with the observation until 10 pm.

Being we will be atop the mountain the temps can be as much as 10 degrees cooler than the surrounding area, possibly more if the wind is blowing, so please dress appropriately, especially the little ones. Projected forecasts as of this post aren’t looking especially well with clouds and rain and lows in the upper 30’s. Let’s hope that improves. This event is a weather dependent event so stay tuned to this post or the club’s Facebook page for a final weather call the Friday before the event. You can also call Kaleideum North after 5 pm on Friday for the weather call via their automated voice message system. If the observation is canceled due to weather consider coming to the FAS Annual Telescope Workshop happening the 11th from 1pm-4pm on the 11th it will happen rain or shine, more info in the website page for that event. In the event of  weather canceling the observation there is a rain date of December 1st.  We hope to see you all there.

Pilot Panna