FAS’s Astronomical April



Event Update 4/16:

We are a GO for this evening’s observation at SciWorks in Winston-Salem. It’s looking to be mild conditions and clear skies. The moon and Jupiter will take center stage as a combination of urban conditions and the moon’s brightness will over power most deep sky objects. There will still be plenty of star clusters and possibly a hint of the Great Orion Nebula to be seen. Hope to see you all there.


The Yadkin Park observation has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. The four major weather sites are calling for thick clouds and 20% chance of rain during our peak observing time. Tomorrow night’s observation atop Pilot Mountain is looking to be MUCH clearer but cold and windy. Please dress accordingly. Hope to see you there.

Yadkin Park Observation 2015

This month, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be hosting several observation events in association with NC Science Festival Week’s Statewide Star Party. Our first stargazing opportunity will be this Friday April the 8th at Yadkin County Park,  6500 Service Rd, Yadkinville, NC. There will be solar observing from 6pm until sunset, then transitioning to night sky targets as night falls. Public observing will end at 10 pm. Some night sky goodies will include the planet Jupiter, the Moon for a short bit, several star clusters, nebulae and galaxies. There will be a final weather call by noon on Friday for this event. For directions, click the map image below.

Yadkin County Park


Pilot Panna

On Saturday April 9th, we will be hosting an observation session atop Pilot Mountain State Park in the upper parking area. The schedule and available targets will be the same as the event on Friday. Solar observing will be starting at 6pm and dark sky targets as night falls. Due to park regulations this event will end at 10:30pm. This location is SIGNIFICANTLY darker than any other of our public outreach locales. You can see more here, under good conditions, than anywhere else we host events. Events here, under good conditions, are always an extra special treat. Keep in mind the temperatures are forecasted to be in the 30’s for Saturday night and atop Pilot the temp can be even 10 degrees cooler than the surrounding area. So, please dress appropriately, especially the little ones. A final weather call will be posted on Friday for this event.


First look

Our final event for the NC Science Festival Week is on Saturday April 16th at our home locale of Sciworks, 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC, This is will be an urban observation concentrating mainly on the Moon, Jupiter and a few of the brighter nebulae and star clusters. We’ll have solar observing during the afternoon and transitioning to night targets as darkness falls.



I would also like to mention that the FAS Light Pollution Committee will have a booth set up for the Piedmont Earth Day Fair sponsored by the Piedmont Environmental Alliance at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds on April 23rd. From 10AM-5PM near, inside if raining, the education building. Come out for day of education and fun. Free entry and parking.



All events are free and open to the public. If you are catching this and can’t make these events because they’re too far away, check the NC Science Festival Calendar page. There are multiple events happening all over the state at various locales.

All eyes on Jupiter