Mars/Moon Occultation

On Monday night January 13 Mars ducked behind the Moon for a short time and then reappeared on the other side. Well, technically, the Moon moved in front of Mars. We call this an occultation when the Full Moon occults (or passed in front) of Mars. A few other things are going on as well. As noted, the Moon was a Full Moon. And Mars was almost at opposition when it is opposite the Sun when viewed from the Earth.

A few FAS members attempted to take images and videos of this event.

Bruce Gavett took a few using his Seestar. Yes, you have to look very closely to see Mars below the Moon.

Sean Wood has a couple images and a nice video (which is on the FAS Facebook page and on his Facebook page).

The best just might be this one below by Paul Jones and the video he posted on YouTube.

For more information about this event, see the references below.



