New Moons for the Solar System

It is very difficult to keep up with the number of moons in our Solar System.

On March 10, 2025, it was announced that Saturn has 128 NEW moons. Not just a total of 128, but 128 new moons bringing its total number of moons to 274. These are not huge moons like the Galilean moons of Jupiter. They are, in fact, quite small and in the two to four km range. But they count and, according to one article, The Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union has recognized them and NASA/JPL has increased its official count to 274.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Earlier in February 2024, a new moon of Uranus and two new moons of Neptune were discovered bring the totals to 28 for Uranus and 16 for Neptune.

The big news, at the time, was that 62 new moons were discovered for Saturn in May 2023. this brought the total number of moons for Saturn to 145. Evidently, there was another one discovered and the official count increased to 146.

Fear not! There are several sources that do keep track and provide a list of the latest number of moons. However, be sure to check back – the numbers keep climbing.

For more about the larger moons of the solar system, see our previous astronomy blog: Moons of the Solar System.



