Public Observation at Kaleideum North 7/21


Update 7/20: The observation at Kaleideum North for Saturday July 21st has been canceled. We were hoping the weather would break to being just intermittently cloudy but all the sources we use have consistent thunderstorms for the evening. The next public events on our calendar will be our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on August 8th and a Camper Observation at Stone Mountain state park on Aug.18th. More details as those dates approach.


The FAS will be holding a public observation this Saturday night, July 21st, at Kaleideum North, starting at around sunset (8:30 pm). The primary focus of this event will be the moon and planets. The current forecast for Saturday is calling for a strong chance of thunderstorms, especially in the evening. If the forecast changes to partly cloudy conditions we can work with that. A final weather decision will be made Friday or perhaps even early Saturday if the forecast remains on the fence. Watch here or on our Facebook page for that updated weather call. Keep your finger crossed. As always our public observations are free and open to all. Come out and enjoy the night sky.