A History of The Constellations
FAS Astronomers Blog, Volume 33, Number 2. As we look up at the night sky, we see patterns of stars. For many of us these patterns are familiar, and most were identified by the ancients a few thousand years ago. We recognize the constellations and asterisms such as Orion, The Big and Small Dippers, Scorpius,…
Astrology to Astronomy
FAS Astronomers Blog, Volume 30, Number 4. I don’t know how many times I talk to someone who knows that I have an interest in Astronomy, but they refer to it as Astrology. Well Astrology does have something to do with the night sky and, from an historical standpoint, it is related to astronomy. Both…
March 2017 FAS Meeting
The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host their next monthly meeting on March 28th at 7:30 PM at Kaleideum (formerly Sciworks) in Winston-Salem. The presentation for this month will be given by club VP Priscilla Ivester on obsolete constellations – “Constellations then and now”. Come join us for what surely will be an interesting topic. Following…