FAS monthly meeting

  • October 2013 FAS Meeting

    How far would you go to photograph the sky? One of our newest members, John Leyendecker, recently traveled to the Atacama desert in Chile with his son Michael, his binoculars, and his Canon EOS 60Da camera to observe and capture the wonders of the Southern Hemisphere sky. John will share the details of his trip…

  • September 2013 FAS Meeting – Telescopes and Amateur Astronomy

    Telescopes and Amateur Astronomy Tuesday, September 24 7:30pm – 9:00pm Held at SciWorks w 400 W. Hanes Mill Rd. Winston-Salem, NC   Learn about: Binoculars for star gazing Telescopes for star gazing Constellations and Asterisms Star Charts and Planispheres Eye pieces for telescopes Magazines, software, and on-line information about amateur astronomy Sign up for this…

  • September 2013 FAS Meeting

    See Club Meeting September 24, 2013 – Telescopes and Amateur Astronomy for details!

  • August 2013 FAS Meeting

    Tom English, director of the Cline Observatory at GTCC will be our August speaker. His talk is entitled: Agnes Clerke and the New Astronomy In the 1880s, an amazing book was published in England by an unheralded woman named Agnes Mary Clerke. Her Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century covered advances in astronomy…

  • July 2013 FAS Meeting

    Hi FAS folks: Although we are having the worst summer for observing in recent memory, our FAS meetings go on. Our next meeting will be this Tuesday, July 23, at Sci-Works at 7:30 PM. Our program will be presented by astrophysicist Rick Boozer on his research on the Magellanic Clouds. His research has involved some…

  • Club Meeting June 25, 2013

    Program: Dr. Steve Danford from UNC Greensboro, will be discussing the latest information on the Globular Clusters that orbit our Galaxy. These dense clusters of stars are among the most fascinating objects in our galaxy and a favorite target for amateurs with small telescopes.   Future program preparation: Please join FAS members in the SciWorks…

  • June 25th meeting

    Our June speaker, Dr. Steve Danford from UNC Greensboro, will be discussing the latest information on the Globular Clusters that orbit our Galaxy. These dense clusters of stars are among the most fascinating objects in our galaxy and a favorite target for amateurs with small telescopes.  Join us on the 25th for insights into what…

  • May 28, 2013 Meeting

    FAS May 2013 Meeting Exoplanets   Explore beyond the Solar System at the May meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. Prior to the 1990s, the only known planets were the nine orbiting the Sun. At the time, of course, Pluto was considered a Planet. In 1995, astronomers found a Jupiter sized planet orbiting the star…

  • April Meeting

    “You can almost touch the stars” Webiner presenter : Tom Field Even if you wanted to touch a star, they’re impossibly distant. But despite these great distances, researchers have learned a great deal about quite a few stars. How? The most common method to study the stars is called spectroscopy, which is the art and…