FAS monthly meeting
Club Meeting
Tuesday March 26, 2013 Sci Works: 7:30 pm Program: Radio Astronomy at 21 cm Rexford Adelberger, Ph.D. Professor of Physics, Emeritus Guilford College Dr Adelberger’s talk on March 26th will explain the generation and detection of radio signals. He will then describe the radio astronomy program at Guilford College that is tuned to the…
Club Meeting Info Feb 26th, 2013
Discussion leader/Presenter: Bruce Mellin Comet Conversations We are fortunate this year to be expecting the passage of two interesting comets. Both have hyperbolic orbits and are approaching the Sun for the first time. Predicting the brightness of even known periodic comets is well known to be a tricky business. Professional and amateur astronomers alike will…
Mars 3-D Jan. 22, 2013 Meeting Links
Mars 3-D links Links to current Mars missions: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/ “Mars in 3-D: Images from the Viking Mission” (NASA movie, 1979) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubRHSg5daMs HiRISE Anaglyphs: “Explore Mars, One Giant Image at a Time” (2,899 images!!!) http://www.uahirise.org/ Explore Mars! – Spirit’s Journey (interactive web site) http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/explore/spirit/ Explore Mars! – Curiosity’s Journey (interactive web site) http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/explore/curiosity/
Club Meeting 22 January 2013
*Hi FAS folks: Our next meeting will be tomorrow night, January 22, starting at 7:30 PM at Sci-Works. Our program, “Attacking Mars – in 3D,” presented by JPL Solar System Ambassador Jonathan Ward. It will include an overview of the best 3D images from the Mars Rovers. NASA’s Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity rovers have collectively driven more…
February 18th 2009
February 18th 2009 The meeting took place as planned. Names entered for election next month. Bob talked about IYA Sandy Galaxies II took place, the kids were a joy to watch. Everyone is invited to take part in Sandy Galaxies II, kids and families are welcome, come and let your inter-art out. I’m sure there…
Before Jan, 2012 – Meeting
December 2011 Meeting Come on out and join in the for the clubs pot luck Christmas gathering. Also the club historian will present a short talk on the history of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. Don’t forget to bring a small dish to share with others. October 2011 Meeting Our October 25th speaker features Gayle…