Lunar Eclipse

  • A Total Lunar Eclipse (March 13-14)

    On the evening of March 13-14, there will be a total eclipse of the Moon. A lunar eclipse is not as spectacular as a solar eclipse, but it is still interesting to see the Earth’s shadow make its way across the Moon until we see the reddish glow from a “blood moon.” You will have…

  • Total Lunar Eclipse – Morning of Tuesday November 8

    It’s the dark side of the Moon! No, wait! It’s actually the light side of the Moon and a Full Moon! But there’s more! The last total lunar eclipse of the year begins on the morning of Tuesday, November 8th just after 4 am EST in the Winston-Salem area. It reaches totality, when it looks…

  • Lunar Eclipse

    Lunar Eclipse Sunday Night/Monday Morning, May 15/16, 2022 9:32 pm to 2:50 am Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks) 400 West Hanes Mill Road Winston-Salem, NC Update: Sunday May 15 @ 2:30 pm – The weather is looking good. This observation is on! On the evening of Sunday May 15 at 9:32 pm, The Earth will…

  • The Moon

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 29, Number 3. On many nights when you look up into the night sky you can see a bright object known simply as the Moon. Twelve humans from the planet Earth have walked on the Moon, although none since 1972. Last year was the 50th anniversary of Apollo 13, the flight…

  • Lunar Eclipse Observation at Kaleideum 1/20

    We are a GO the Lunar Eclipse observation at Kaleideum North this Sunday night, January 20th. We should be set up and ready for guests by 9 pm.  The weather forecast for Sunday calls for a warm rainy morning, with a strong cold front moving through around midday, with temperatures falling through the day to around 27-28 degrees by…

  • Lunar Eclipse Observation at SciWorks on Sunday September 27

    *** We were hoping for the clouds to break up enough to catch the moon between but due to the terrible weather conditions this event has been canceled.***   This coming Sunday, Sept 27, we have the rare pleasure of observing a double celestial treat. We will have the full Harvest Moon, which also happens…

  • Ten Celestial Events for 2015

    Looking for things to view and have fun looking for, here are a few Ten Celestial Events for 2015, have fun looking up as there is a lot to see.  

  • Wake Up to a Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8, 2014

    Hey get up and look up next week – Oct. 8, 2014 there is going to be a Lunar Eclipse, it all starts at 4:45AM EDT. For more information check out — Sky & Telescope Wake Up to a Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8, 2014

  • Lunar Eclipse – 15 April at 1:58 AM – Gathering

    Join FAS and SciWorks for a total Lunar Eclipse – 15 April at 1:58 AM