Lunar Eclipse
A Total Lunar Eclipse (March 13-14)
On the evening of March 13-14, there will be a total eclipse of the Moon. A lunar eclipse is not as spectacular as a solar eclipse, but it is still interesting to see the Earth’s shadow make its way across the Moon until we see the reddish glow from a “blood moon.” You will have…
Total Lunar Eclipse – Morning of Tuesday November 8
It’s the dark side of the Moon! No, wait! It’s actually the light side of the Moon and a Full Moon! But there’s more! The last total lunar eclipse of the year begins on the morning of Tuesday, November 8th just after 4 am EST in the Winston-Salem area. It reaches totality, when it looks…
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse Sunday Night/Monday Morning, May 15/16, 2022 9:32 pm to 2:50 am Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks) 400 West Hanes Mill Road Winston-Salem, NC Update: Sunday May 15 @ 2:30 pm – The weather is looking good. This observation is on! On the evening of Sunday May 15 at 9:32 pm, The Earth will…
Lunar Eclipse Observation at Kaleideum 1/20
We are a GO the Lunar Eclipse observation at Kaleideum North this Sunday night, January 20th. We should be set up and ready for guests by 9 pm. The weather forecast for Sunday calls for a warm rainy morning, with a strong cold front moving through around midday, with temperatures falling through the day to around 27-28 degrees by…
Lunar Eclipse Observation at SciWorks on Sunday September 27
*** We were hoping for the clouds to break up enough to catch the moon between but due to the terrible weather conditions this event has been canceled.*** This coming Sunday, Sept 27, we have the rare pleasure of observing a double celestial treat. We will have the full Harvest Moon, which also happens…
Wake Up to a Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8, 2014
Hey get up and look up next week – Oct. 8, 2014 there is going to be a Lunar Eclipse, it all starts at 4:45AM EDT. For more information check out — Sky & Telescope Wake Up to a Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8, 2014
Lunar Eclipse – 15 April at 1:58 AM – Gathering
Join FAS and SciWorks for a total Lunar Eclipse – 15 April at 1:58 AM
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