
  • February 2025 FAS Meeting (Wednesday, February 12)

    Please join us for the February meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society at 7:30 on Wednesday, February 12. The meeting will be held at the new Kaleideum at 120 West 3rd Street downtown in Winston-Salem, NC. The February program will be presented by FAS member Ralph James. Please join us for an update on Saturn’s…

  • Saturn (and a conjunction with Jupiter)

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 24. Every so often, two (or more) planets appear close to each other in the night sky. We call this a conjunction. Late in December 2020, we were treated to a special conjunction where Jupiter and Saturn appeared closer together than they had since 1226. The two planets were…

  • Water, Phosphine, and the possibility of life elsewhere in the Solar System

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 20. Although many have dreamed about life on other worlds, so far, life has only been found on the Earth. The search for life has gone down one avenue as new “exoplanets” are found and we get closer to finding a planet like the Earth orbiting another star. This…

  • Young Astronomers Newsletter October 2019

    The Young Astronomers Newsletter Volume 27 Number 10 October 2019 By Bob Patsiga     In this month’s edition of the newsletter Bob discusses: India’s attempt to land the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft on the moon. British and Canadian groups have detected water in the atmosphere of a distant planet. NASA has announced the go-ahead for planning a…