Is this the year? Will you finally buy that telescope for yourself or for the kids? If so, you might find that it isn’t that easy. There are so many choices and price ranges. However, we in the Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS) will help you.

Our Astronomy Resources have plenty of information about telescopes and observing the night sky.
But, seeing is believing! And you might want to see a few telescopes in action. If so, come on out to one (or more) of FAS’s public observations. We’ve scheduled several at Pilot Mountain State Park, The Central Library, Stone Mountian State Park, and Kaleideum North in November and December. Remember to check the FAS Website or Facebook page for Weather updates. Astronomy observations just don’t do well in cloudy and raining weather.
- Pilot Mountain Observation on Friday, December 1.
- Stone Mountain State Park Observation on Saturday, December 2.
- Forsyth County Central Library Observation on Thursday, December 14.
- Kaleideum North Observation on Saturday, December 16.
- Kaleideum North Observation on Saturday, December 30.
You can also join us at our monthly meetings and talk with a few of our members. Everyone is welcome.
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