The July meeting of the FAS is this coming Tuesday, July 28th, at 7:30 at SciWorks.
The program will be presented by Christi Whitworththe Education Director of PARI,
the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute.
Here is a description:
PARI Education Showcase
PARI has a 15-year track record of educating and engaging people of all ages in astronomy and other STEM fields.
From instrument construction to remote observing, people can experience radio astronomy first hand through
PARI’s educational programs. PARI hosts Smiley a 4.6m radio telescope that is remotely operated.
PARI has also helped construct over 130 Radio JOVE units with high school age students.
PARI continually does outreach for student public groups to help them understand the role of radio astronomy
in the scope of all astronomy as well as how this “young” field of astronomy has larger accomplishments in its future.
PARI’s role is to serve as a mentor and training ground for those endeavors.
The PARI website:
The PARI wikipedia page:
It should be interesting, so join us for the meeting and this weekends events.
David Morgan
FAS President