Latest News and Posts

  • A Map of the Universe

    FAS Astronomers Blog, Volume 30, Number 15. Earlier this year (2022), I posted an article about the history of the universe. I followed with a second article about the shape and future of the universe. The universe is big (really big). Estimates place the diameter of the visible universe at 92 billion light years. It…

  • December 2022 Meeting

    December Potluck  Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS)   December 2022 Meeting   Wednesday, December 14 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. ( In December, FAS takes a break from traditional meeting programming and instead holds a potluck dinner. Choose your favorite dish, do some cooking, or grab…

  • Public Observation at Central Library on December 1

    WEATHER UPDATE: The weather is looking favorable and this event will proceed as planned. See you there! ——————— The Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS) is going to the LIBRARY! FAS will hold a public observation at the Forsyth County Central Library on Thursday, December 1. The event runs from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM on the…

  • Stone Mountain Astronomy Observation on November 12

    WEATHER UPDATE: This event is canceled. Clouds and rain are forecasted for Saturday afternoon and evening. ——————— On Saturday, November 12, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an astronomy observation for the campers at Stone Mountain State Park, and the public is welcome to attend. Sunset is at 5:20 PM and it should be dark enough…

  • Telescopes

    FAS Astronomers Blog, Volume 30, Number 14. Have you ever walked out at night and looked up into the night sky? If you live away from a city, the sky is filled with stars. If you’re lucky you might see the Milky Way stretch across the sky. From time to time a brighter object or…

  • Total Lunar Eclipse – Morning of Tuesday November 8

    It’s the dark side of the Moon! No, wait! It’s actually the light side of the Moon and a Full Moon! But there’s more! The last total lunar eclipse of the year begins on the morning of Tuesday, November 8th just after 4 am EST in the Winston-Salem area. It reaches totality, when it looks…

  • FAS November 2022 Meeting

    Return to the Moon with Artemis    Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS)   November 2022 Meeting    Wednesday, November 9 @ 7:30 pm. at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC. ( Bruce Gavett will present November’s FAS program, which will be an overview of NASA’s plans to return to the Moon with Artemis.…

  • Hanging Rock Astronomy Observation with WFDD Radio

    WEATHER UPDATE: The astronomy activities are canceled due to forecasted clouds and rain. WFDD’s Look Up and Listen event will take place regardless of the weather. On Saturday, November 5, Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an astronomy observation for WFDD radio at Hanging Rock State Park. Sunset is at 6:20 PM, WFDD will start their…

  • Telescope Workshop

    There comes a time when curiosity leads to a new hobby – like Astronomy! But where do you start? You want to see the rings of Saturn, the craters on the moon, galaxies, nebulae, and much, much more! Scientific thought began with humankind’s first look to the skies. And that curiosity has never ended! That’s…