Latest News and Posts

  • The Great Debate

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 10. We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is around 100,000 light years across, and our solar system is located ½ of the way out from the galactic center. The universe is significantly larger containing billions and possibly a trillion other galaxies. However, for a long time…

  • Earth Day 2020

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 9. On April 22, 1970, a senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson, proposed the idea of a “national teach-in on the environment.”  He recruited a young Denis Hayes as the national coordinator.  The focus of the event was to raise people’s awareness of critical issues facing the planet.  The first…

  • Houston, we’ve had a problem

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 8. Something happened on April 13, 1970 – fifty years ago this month.  A spacecraft was heading for a landing on the Moon.  If successful, it would be humankind’s third landing on another object in space.  Part way to the Moon, there was a problem. Apollo oxygen tank 10024X-TA0009…

  • NEAF 2020 Will Be A Live Streamed Event.

      The Northeast Astronomy Forum, NEAF, is the worlds largest astronomy specific expo. We have had several members attend and say it is an amazing experience for the astronomy buff. The original expo was slated to be this weekend but the Covid-19 pandemic has the presenting organization shifting gears a bit. This year they have…

  • Harvard Computers

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 7. Stars come in all sizes, colors and temperatures. They also have a spectrum consisting of dark (absorption) lines, which identify the elements in the star’s atmosphere. March is Women’s History Month. So, let’s recognize some of the prominent women astronomers of the early 20th century who played a…

  • FAS Takes Steps to Help Stem the Spread of Covid-19 Virus

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society has been closely following the recent outbreaks of Covid-19 in NC to determine the actions the FAS should take concerning our public outreach and gatherings. With the recent declarations of state of emergency on the national and state level and with both federal and state level health officials suggesting cessation of…

  • Happy Pi Day and The Hierarchy of Numbers

    Young Astronomers Blog, Volume 28, Number 6. It’s March 14, 2020. So, HAPPY PI DAY! Yes, Pi = 3.14, get it? Anyway, Pi is a number. It’s one of many numbers. Pi is actually a calculated number. It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Check it out – it…

  • March 2020 FAS Meeting

    Wednesday March 11th, 7:30 pm, at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Guest speaker Thomas Hefner will be giving the presentation on Johannes Kepler. Thomas has been a member of the Greensboro Astronomy Club for the past decade. Currently Thomas teaches science at the Middle College at UNCG…

  • *TRI*STAR* 2020 March 7th

    On March 7th the Guilford Technical Community College’s Cline Observatory will host its annual astronomy Triad Starfest, *Tri*Star* for short. *Tri*Star* is a conference for astronomers of any level, beginner to professional. The event includes several astronomy related lectures throughout the day, astro related vendors, folks presenting “How-to” sessions for any beginner questions, an astro…