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November 2019 FAS Meeting
Wednesday November 13th, 7:30 pm, at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The presentation topic this month will be given by club member Bruce Mellin about the recent Mercury transit. Bruce’s synopsis: “Observing Mercury and Venus is difficult from our platform on the Earth. Both planets were visible…
FAS Mercury Transit Observation at Kaleideum North 11/11
On Monday November 11th the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have SOLAR SAFE observation equipment set up for the pubic to use to safely see the transit of Mercury. What is a transit? It is similar an eclipse where in a celestial body moves between the Sun and the Earth. With an eclipse, from our…
Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 11/2
UPDATE 11/1 : We are a GO!!!! The current weather forecast is calling for clear skies and temperatures in the upper 50’s at sunset, with light winds and temperatures falling to around 40 by the end of the event. It should also be noted that construction on Hwy 77 and recent traffic pattern changes in…
October 2019 FAS Meeting
Wednesday October 9th, 7:30 pm, at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The presentation topic this month is given by club member Bruce Gavett and is entitled: Follow the Road to the Moon – Part II (Gemini) After the initial steps into space, and before the Apollo program…
Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 10/5
UPDATE 10/4: The observation scheduled at Stone Mountain State Park has been CANCELED due to weather conditions. Some of our forecast models had the evening being partly cloudy, but now all models are calling for 100% cloud cover. Our next observation opportunity for this location is on November 2nd. Saturday October 5th the Forsyth Astronomical Society…
Carolina Curious’ Interview with Pres. David Morgan on Where best to Stargaze in Western NC.
Click HERE to read an interview, with club president David Morgan, from our local NPR affiliate Station, 88.5 WFDD, on their local segment called Carolina Curious. David lays out what makes the best conditions for stargazing and lists some of the general locations of some of our dearest dark skies. If you want to delve…
FAS Observation at Kaleideum North Saturday 9/21
Update 9/21: We are a GO!!! Come on out and enjoy the night sky. Saturday September 21st the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be hosting a public observation event at Kaleideum North. We will have several telescopes of different varieties and sizes setup to show you some night sky wonders. Sunset is at 7:20…
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