Latest News and Posts
Lunar Eclipse Observation at Kaleideum 1/20
We are a GO the Lunar Eclipse observation at Kaleideum North this Sunday night, January 20th. We should be set up and ready for guests by 9 pm. The weather forecast for Sunday calls for a warm rainy morning, with a strong cold front moving through around midday, with temperatures falling through the day to around 27-28 degrees by…
January 2019 FAS Meeting
Wednesday January 9th, 7:30 pm at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The program for this month’s meeting is by FAS member Bruce Gavett and is entitled: It’s all about PLUTO (and a bit about Charon) (and don’t forget Ultima Thule!) Join us for the exploration of everyone’s…
Pilot Mountain State Park Observation for Comet 46/P Wirtanen
Pilot Mountain State Park Observation for Comet 46/P Wirtanen Update 12/28: The observation for tomorrow night has been cancelled due to poor weather conditions. The clouds are just going to be too thick and there is a chance for rain during the observation hours. The comet will still be visible for the next week or…
FAS Calendar of Events – 2019 posted; December 2018 FAS Meeting
Another year has passed and we here at the FAS would like to thank everyone that came out to any of our events this past year. With the weather being as it has been, we have had more cancellations this past year than any in recent memory. The public’s enthusiasm when the weather cooperated was…
November 2018 FAS Meeting
Wednesday November 14th, 7:30 pm at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 8 mission, the program for the FAS November meeting is a documentary video entitled Earthrise, by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee. This film combines archival footage and current-day interviews with the Apollo…
FAS Pilot Mountain Public Observation Saturday November 10th
Update 11/9: We are a GO for the Pilot Mountain observation. The weather is forecast to be some of the clearest skies we have had for the observation in a couple of years now BUT the same front that is bringing those clear skies is also bringing MUCH cooler weather. The temperature for the surrounding…
FAS Annual Telescope Workshop Saturday November 10th
The Forsyth Astronomical Society will host our annual Telescope Workshop at Kaleideum North in Winston-Salem on Saturday November 10th from 1 pm-4 pm. If you’ve been thinking of getting gear to get started in astronomy or you have gear but need experienced advice on how to better operate it, or are looking to upgrade, we have you covered. Come join…
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