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Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 8/18
Update 8/18: We are rescinding our previous cancellation!!!! The observation is back on. It looks like we’re going to have a break in the weather between 8 and 11 that will be clear enough to catch the planets and the Moon. Given we have had to cancel every observation at this site for this year thus far.…
August 2018 FAS Meeting
The August meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this coming Wednesday, August 8th at 7:30 pm at Kalideum North. The presentation this month will be by our very own Bruce Mellin. Bruce has over forty year’s experience teaching science. He holds a BA from Northeastern University and a Master of Science Teaching degree from Boston College.…
Public Observation at Kaleideum North 7/21
Update 7/20: The observation at Kaleideum North for Saturday July 21st has been canceled. We were hoping the weather would break to being just intermittently cloudy but all the sources we use have consistent thunderstorms for the evening. The next public events on our calendar will be our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on August…
July 2018 FAS Meeting
The July meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this coming Wednesday, July 11th at 7:30 pm at Kalideum North. Setting the theme for this month’s public observation of Mars during opposition, July 21st more details to come. The program will be from the BBC’s The Sky at Night series and is titled “Mars: Red and…
FAS Public Observation at Kaleideum North 6/16
If you have been following our club calendar this Saturday, June 16th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host a public observation at Kaleideum North in the front parking area starting at sunset, around 8:40 pm. The forecast is for moderate conditions mild temps and a few lite clouds. Jupiter, the thin crescent moon and Venus…
June 2018 FAS Meeting
The June meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this coming Wednesday, June 13th at 7:30 pm at Kaleideum North. The program will be a presentation by Samuel D. Flynn, a doctoral candidate at NC State University. Mr. Flynn will be presenting a program entitled: Ghosts From a Dying Star Using neutrinos oscillations to probe supernovae and…
Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 6/2
As much as we hate to we are going to make a cancellation call on this event. The weather pattern that was showing clearing at dusk and further clearing as the night progressed has changed and it’s not supposed to clear off significantly until after midnight. Our next observation opportunity will be June 16th at…
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