Latest News and Posts
March 2018 FAS Meeting
The Forsyth Astronomical Society Welcomes Dr. Don Ellison Department of Physics, North Carolina State University Where he will present: Nucleosynthesis: The Origin of the Elements Where do elements come from? How are they created? This question has vexed humanity for millennia, spawning ideas such alchemy. However, in the last 60 years science has been able…
FAS Pilot Mountain Public Observation Saturday March 10
Update 3/16: We really wanted to get our public observation at Pilot Mountain tomorrow night because of all the other bad luck we’ve had this past year, but I’m afraid it’s not going to work. Clouds are rolling in tomorrow, along with the possibility of rain. So this event is cancelled. But wait, don’t give up yet. There…
February 2018 FAS Meeting
Looking for a fun and informative something to do on your Valentine’s date? What better way to celebrate love than in your love of astronomy? Join the Forsyth Astronomical Society on Wednesday February 14 at 7:30 pm, for an out-of-this-world adventure in the Planetarium at Kaleideum. Our planetarium liaison & club secretary Bruce Gavett will…
Kaleideum North Observation Saturday January 20th
Update 1/19: We are a go for tomorrow night’s observation. Conditions over today and tomorrow should help tremendously with any left over winter precipitation but PLEASE use your own judgment in getting out. We have many more events planned for the upcoming year. If you can safely, come on out and take in some night…
FAS Calendar of Events – 2018 posted; January 2018 FAS Meeting
Here at the FAS, we want to extend a Happy New Year to our friends and followers. Our calendar for the 2018 season has been posted. Most of our basic events are settled, but we still have to finalize the schedule for our Stone Mountain events before posting. There are a few changes we…
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