Latest News and Posts
Update on First Annual Statewide Star Party
Thank you all for supporting the first NC Statewide Star Party! This event had tremendous support from FAS members! The sky was a perfectly clear cloudless night (though transparency was not perfect given the precipitation the previous day). Perhaps the Science Festival did not realize the date they chose was the end of Spring Break…
Stellar Society Lecture at GTCC, Friday, 12 April
A free public lecture will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, 12 April at the Koury Auditorium at GTCC’s Jamestown campus. Please note that the location for this talk is NOT the same auditorium as was used for TriStar. Koury is Building 19 on the campus map at TriStar was in Building 25.…
April Meeting
“You can almost touch the stars” Webiner presenter : Tom Field Even if you wanted to touch a star, they’re impossibly distant. But despite these great distances, researchers have learned a great deal about quite a few stars. How? The most common method to study the stars is called spectroscopy, which is the art and…
Special – Rick Kendrick Talk – Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization (PIAA) Coronagraph
Hi FAS folks: This Monday, April 1, at 7:30 PM at SciWorks, FAS will sponsor a special lecture by hometown astronomer Rick Kendrick. Rick has spent the last 30 years working in the aerospace industry designing and building imaging systems. He is currently a Lockheed Martin Fellow at the Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto,…
First Annual Statewide Star Party – FAS at Yadkin County Park
Club Meeting
Tuesday March 26, 2013 Sci Works: 7:30 pm Program: Radio Astronomy at 21 cm Rexford Adelberger, Ph.D. Professor of Physics, Emeritus Guilford College Dr Adelberger’s talk on March 26th will explain the generation and detection of radio signals. He will then describe the radio astronomy program at Guilford College that is tuned to the…
Report from Pilot Mountain Observation
Stargazers who made it up to the top of Pilot Mountain this Saturday had a delightful evening, with warmer than usual temperatures, no wind, and clear skies. There were at least a dozen telescopes belonging to members of both FAS and the Greensboro astronomy club; the latter made the trip to catch a glimpse of…
Pilot Mountain State Park – update
Hi FAS folks: To walk outside this afternoon, it may seem like Spring has arrived. Certainly, it will seem like mid-summer to those fools – er, I mean, brave souls – who were up at Pilot Mountain last week, where temperatures are predicted to be 25° warmer tomorrow compared to last Saturday. More important, the…
Kernersville News interviews FAS member David Elosser